90 + 60-Day Unemployment Rule

You are given 60 days of unemployment in additional to the 90 days of unemployment allowed during your regular OPT period, for a total of 150 days. This unemployment allotment is an aggregate during which you are allowed to unemployed and remain legally in the U.S. It is up to you to keep track of your unemployment period. To stop the unemployment clock, report your STEM OPT employment below. If you fail to report your STEM OPT employment within any remaining unemployed time you have been allocated, USCIS may automatically terminate your record, which will end your legal presence in the U.S. and forfeit your remaining STEM OPT work authorization.

STEM OPT Update Form

Please submit the STEM OPT Update Form below to update your current contact information and all employment related to your current STEM OPT employment. Do NOT submit the STEM OPT Update Form if you are adding or changing employers. Refer to the instructions below to add or change employment.

Add or Change STEM OPT Employer

To add or change your STEM OPT employer, complete the STEM OPT EMPLOYMENT UPDATE FORM and email it to You will be required to provide a new I-983 Training Plan for the new STEM employer, and a Final Evaluation for the current STEM employer, if changing employers.