J-1 Exchange Visitor Program

The University of Oregon's J-1 Exchange Visitor Program is intended for citizens of a foreign country who are approved to participate in a work- and/or study-based exchange for mutual intellectual and cross-cultural enrichment. 

Application | Host Department Responsibilities | Immigration | Arrival | Categories | Eligibility | Limitations | Dependents | Transfer | Social Security Numbers | Travel | Workers Rights


Hosting Department Checklist

  1. UO contract or courtesy appointment
  2. For UO contracts ONLY: UO Non-Immigrant Export Control Form
  3. J-1 Scholar Application  
  4. Collect all documents from the department and visiting scholar. Submit documents as a single complete package to ischolar@uoregon.edu at least 3 months prior to the J-1 program’s requested start date.

Visiting Scholar Checklist

  1. Copy of passport biography page, valid at least six months beyond your period of stay in the US 
  2. Copy of passport biography page of any dependents 
  3. Current CV 
  4. Proof of English Proficiency (required only for non-native English speakers)
  5. Proof of funding for scholar and any dependents
  6. Transfer-In Form (only required if currently in J-1 status at another institution of higher education).

Proof of English Proficiency. Please provide ONE of the following: 

  • Recognized English language test: 
    • English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT or TOEFL iBT Home Edition) minimum score of 88 
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum score of 7.0 
    • DuoLingo minimum score of 120
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher from an academic institution in one of the following countries: Australia, Canada (excluding Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, United States, or the United Kingdom. Please provide a copy of the diploma or academic transcript.
  • Documented interview conducted by the hosting academic department: English Language Proficiency 

Proof of funding for scholar and any dependents

  • Scholars must provide evidence they have the financial resources to support themselves during their J-1 program. Minimum financial requirements: 
    • J-1 Exchange Visitor: $1,850/month, or $22,200/year 
    • J-2 Dependents:
      • Spouse: additional $1,550/month or $18,600/year 
      • Each J-2 Child under the age of 21 years old: an additional $550/month or $6,600/year 
  • Acceptable proof of funding documents (e.g. contracts, scholarship award letters, bank statements, etc.) must be in English and include:
    • Scholar’s name 
    • Date 
    • Currency 
    • Amount of funding available

As of July 2023, exchange visitors must engage in their activities at the University of Oregon in-person, on-campus, a minimum of 60% of the time. This means that they may work remotely no more than 40% of your regular work hours (a maximum of 2 out of 5 regular work days per week). 

See Department of State Guidance Directive 2023-01 

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Hosting Department Responsibilities

The hosting department is required to assist the visiting scholar with general UO onboarding and provide support throughout their program, including:

  1. Obtaining UO credentials (i.e., UO ID and Duck ID)
  2. Providing onboarding resources and support
  3. Providing a workspace
  4. Providing direct supervision of scholar’s research and/or professional activities at the UO.
  5. Setting clear expectations of the program’s nature, the department’s collaborative needs, and the scholar’s duties
  6. Contacting ischolar@uoregon.edu immediately if the scholar:
    • Leaves their program early
    • Makes any changes to terms of their program (e.g. responsibilities, length of program, etc.)

Please note that the visiting scholar must actively pursue their J-1 objectives in an in-person, full-time capacity. The hosting department is responsible for ensuring that the visiting scholar’s J-1 program is advancing at a successful progression.

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Immigration Steps

  1. Submit Application: Hosting department sends complete application to ischolar@uoregon.edu.
  2. Obtain DS-2019:  ISSS issues form DS-2019 to visiting scholar
  3. Scholar uses the form DS-2019:

    a) to complete the form DS-160,

    b) pay the associated fee 

    c) schedule a J-1 visa appointment at a US embassy or consulate 

  4. Pay the I-901 SEVIS fee prior to J-1 visa interview
  5. Scholar obtains J-1 visa:  use to enter the US up to 30 days prior to program start date listed on the form DS-2019

Additional Resources

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Pre-Arrival to US

Schedule Health Insurance to begin upon arrival into US. 
J-1 visiting scholars and accompanying J-2 dependents are required to have insurance for medical emergencies, evacuation, and repatriation of remains for the entire duration of the J program. J-1 exchange visitors and any accompanying J-2 dependent(s) may be subject to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Minimum health insurance coverage must meet the following: 

  1. Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness 
  2. Repatriation of remains in the amount of $25,000 
  3. Expenses associated with the medical evacuation of the exchange visitor to his/her home country in the amount of $50,000 
  4. A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness 

If the scholar is a UO Contract employee (not Courtesy Appointment), they may be eligible for UO benefits including health insurance; in this case, they may only need to acquire #2 and #3 above from a private health insurance provider.  UO Contract employees may consider purchasing additional health insurance before they arrive in the US to avoid any gaps in coverage. 

Arrival to US

  • Review the International Scholar Arrival Handbook
  • Travel with the following documents on your person (not in your checked bags!): 
    1. Passport 
    2. J-1 Visa – sticker in your passport (unless you are Canadian) 
    3. DS-2019 (printed hard copy with your wet signature on the bottom) 
    4. I-901 SEVIS receipt 
    5. Invitation letter or courtesy appointment letter 
  • NOTE:  You should not enter the US after the program start date listed on your DS-2019. If you need to change your program start date, please contact both ischolar@uoregon.edu and your department contact. 


Arrival to Eugene 

  • Schedule your mandatory orientation. 
    • Contact ischolar@uoregon.edu or call (541)346-3206 to schedule a 45-minute session within 10 days of your arrival in Eugene.
  • Bring the following documents for the J-1 Scholar and any accompanying J-2 dependents:   
    1. Passport/Visa 
    2. DS-2019 
    3. Proof of health insurance with requirements listed above 
    4. an electronic or hard copy of I-94  
  • Ask your host department sponsor to help you do the following: 

 1. Obtaining UO credentials (i.e., UO ID and Duck ID)

 2. Providing onboarding resources and support

 3. Providing a workspace


A willful failure to comply with health insurance requirements is a violation of the Exchange Visitor Program regulations.


Other Requirements and Responsibilities:

  • Maintain a valid DS-2019 at all times.
  • Maintain a valid passport at all times.
  • Maintain a valid I-94 Travel Record marked D/S (duration of status).


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Sponsorship Categories

Sponsorship via the UO J-1 Exchange Visitor Program includes the following categories.

J-1 Exchange Visitor Category

Minimum Duration of Participation

Maximum Duration of Participation



3 weeks

5 years

Teach, lecture, observe, or consult; may conduct research.

Research Scholar

3 weeks

5 years

Conduct research, observe, or consult in connection with a research project. May also teach or lecture where authorized.

Short-Term Scholar


6 months

Lecture, observe, consult, train, or demonstrate special skills.


3 weeks

1 year

Observe, consult, or demonstrate special knowledge or skills.

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The exchange visitor must be eligible for, and accepted into, the program they will participate in via the UO’s J-1 Exchange Visitor Program. Participation in the program must be suitable to the exchange visitor's background, needs, and experience. At a minimum, the exchange visitor must:

Eligibility to participate in the UO's J-1 Exchange Visitor Program requires that the exchange visitor be offered one of the following by the hosting UO department:

  • Postdoctoral classification work contract
  • Pro Tempore classification work contract
  • Visiting classification work contract
  • Courtesy appointment

J-1 sponsorship is solely for temporary work and/or research-based exchanges. Career, tenure, tenure-track, or other permanent employment positions are not eligible for J-1 sponsorship.

Contact Human Resources for information regarding contract and courtesy appointment requests.

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Bars/Limitations for J-1/J-2 Exchange Visitors

12-Month Bar

The exchange visitor is not eligible to participate in the professor/research scholar J-1 category if he/she has held any J nonimmigrant status within the 12-month period immediately preceding the start of his/her UO exchange program. The 12-Month Bar also applies to J-2 dependents. The following 3 exceptions exist:

  • Exchange visitor transfers his/her J-1 program to the UO without any break or gap in their program.
  • Exchange visitor’s previous J-1/J-2 physical presence in the US was less than 6 months.
  • Exchange Visitor will pursue a J-1 program at the UO for less than 6 months and under the ‘Short-Term Scholar’ J category.

24-Month Bar

The exchange visitor that participates in the UO J-1 Exchange Visitor Program as a Professor or Research Scholar becomes subject to a 24-month bar on “repeat participation” in these categories after completing his/her program. The 24-month bar on repeat participation does not require the individual to reside in his or her home country as does the INA 212(e) 2-year home country physical presence requirement.

INA 212(e) 2-Year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

The exchange visitor may be subject to the 212(e) home country physical presence requirement if he/she receives funding for their J-1 program from his/her home country government or the US government, or whose skills are on his/her home country’s Skill List. If subject, the exchange visitor must fulfill the 212(e) home country physical presence requirement, or receive official waiver of the 212(e) home country physical presence requirement, before being eligible for certain immigration benefits. For more information, click here.

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J-2 Dependents

The spouse and unmarried minor children (under 21 years of age) of the J-1 exchange visitor are eligible to accompany the J-1 exchange visitor to the US in J-2 status.


A J-2 spouse or child can apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) from US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in order to be employed in the United States. The J-2 may begin employment only after receiving the EAD from USCIS. J-2 employment authorization expires with the expiration of the EAD.


J-2 spouse, or dependent employment is not for the purpose of financially supporting the J-1 exchange visitor. J-2 employment may only be used to support the family's customary recreational and cultural activities and related travel, among other things. 

To request J-2 employment authorization, submit the following:

  • Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization 
  • Form I-765 fee
  • Letter from the J-2 stating why the employment is desired and how the income derived from employment will not be used for the financial support of the J-1 exchange visitor.
  • 2 passport-style photos taken no more than 30 days before filing the form
  • Copy of J-2’s passport ID page
  • Copies of current J-1 and J-2 DS-2019s
  • Copy J-2 visa sticker
  • Copies of J-1 and J-2 I-94 Travel Records
  • Evidence of the J-2's relationship to the J-1 exchange visitor (e.g., marriage certificate for J-2 spouse or birth certificate for J-2 child)
  • For extension/renewal of employment authorization, include all the above items and copies of J-2’s previous EAD card(s).

Social Security Number (SSN) for a J-2 dependent

A J-2 dependent may obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) only if in possession of an unexpired Employment Authorization Document (EAD). J-2 dependents without work authorization approved by USCIS are not eligible to work and are therefore ineligible for an SSN.

Taxes and I-9 Compliance

Unlike J-1 exchange visitors, J-2 dependents are subject to Social Security taxes. They are also subject to federal income taxes, and where applicable, state income taxes. See IRS Publication 519, US Tax Guide for Aliens.

Learn More about Taxes

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Extention and Transfer

Extending Your Program

Submit extension eform requests to ischolar@uoregon.edu as soon as possible, and no later than two weeks prior to the current program end date listed on the DS-2019.

Hosting Department Checklist

  1. J-1 Extension Request
  2. New UO contract or courtesy appointment reflecting new program dates
  3. For all non-courtesy, UO contracts ONLY: UO Non-Immigrant Export Control Form

Visiting Scholar Checklist

  1. Proof of extended insurance for remaining duration of program
  2. Proof of funding for scholar and any dependents for remaining duration of program
    • Minimum financial requirements:
      • J-1 Exchange Visitor: $1,850/month, or $22,200/year
      • J-2 Dependents:
        • Spouse: additional $1,550/month or $18,600/year
        • Each J-2 Child under the age of 21 years old: additional $550/month or $6,600/year

Transferring Out

The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program allows participants to transfer between two J-1 programs (i.e. two different universities or research institutions), as well as within UO to a new department/school. The process outlined below is for J-1 Scholars who are transferring their J-1 from UO to another school/institution. There are specific steps that must be followed, as well as general criteria that must be met when determining a J-1 Exchange Visitor’s (EV) eligibility for transfer as follows:

  • J-1 EV must maintain J-1 status as well as a consistent J-1 program objective throughout the transfer process.
  • Transfer must occur within the maximum duration of participation allowed by the specific J-1 category and transfer may only occur within the same J-1 category (i.e. J-1 Research Scholar to J-1 Research Scholar).
  • Transfer must occur while J-1 program is in “Active” status. Transfers are not possible during J-1 grace period or after the J-1 program has already ended. 
  • An EV who has initiated a waiver application of the 212(e) requirement through the US Department of State should contact a J-1 advisor in ISSS to determine possible impact on transfer eligibility.
  • An EV who is deemed ineligible for transfer for any reason may not be transferred.

Additional steps and criteria are outlined in the process for each type of transfer below:

Transfer-Out (from UO to another J-1 Program Sponsor)

J-1 EVs who intend to transfer from UO to another J-1 program sponsor should first review the general eligibility criteria above and an ISSS advisor with any questions. To initiate the Transfer-Out to a new J-1 program sponsor, the following steps must be completed at least two weeks prior to intended date of transfer.

Receive an offer from new J-1 Program Sponsor

  • Determine date of transfer (last day of employment at UO must be one day prior to start date at new Program Sponsor).
  • EV must request SEVIS Program Number from new J-1 Program Sponsor’s International Office.
  • EV should complete any required transfer-in paperwork the new Program Sponsor may require (if applicable).  

Receive clearance for transfer out from UO

  • Complete UO Transfer-Out Form* to be completed by EV and ISSS.

The exchange visitor must maintain J-1 status throughout the transfer process including valid health insurance. The new institution will not have access to the EV’s J-1 record and cannot issue a new DS-2019 form until the date of transfer. After the date of transfer, UO will no longer have access to the EV’s J-1 record and cannot provide further immigration guidance.

If you want to transfer your J-1 program to another institution, please complete the UO Transfer-Out Form.

This process can take time depending on your future institution; please notify us as soon as possible so we can begin to coordinate the transfer of your SEVIS record with an advisor at your new institution.

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Social Security Numbers

Who needs Social Security

If you are supposed to receive funding (example, living stipend or salary) from the University of Oregon (UO), then you must obtain a Social Security Number. If you do not receive any funding from a US source, then you do not have to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN).

When to apply

You may apply for a Social Security Number no earlier than 10 days after your arrival in the US in J-1 status and no sooner than one day after you attend scholar orientation. In addition, you cannot apply before the program start date on your Form DS-2019.

Application Procedures for a Social Security Number (SSN)

You must present the following documents in person at a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office to apply for the SSN:

  • A completed Form SS-5, Application for Social Security Number, available at SSA, or online:  Link to SSN application:
    • The name you enter on Form SS-5 must EXACTLY match the name reflected in your passport;
    • The SSN card will be mailed to the address listed on the form SS-5; be sure that the address you listed is able to receive mail
  • Passport and visa
  • DS-2019
  • Most Recent I-94
  • Offer of employment or invitation letter from your sponsoring department

Local Social Security Administration Offices

Eugene Social Security Administration Office
Address: 2504 Oakmont Way, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (866) 563-3450
Hours: Open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday - Friday

Directions by bus: Take bus #67 - Coburg Road/VRC from the Eugene Bus Station. The Social Security Administration office is located across from the Oakway Center behind Albertson's supermarket. 

Avoiding Identity Fraud

Once you receive a Social Security Number, it will be yours for the rest of your life. Please make sure that keep your Social Security Number and Card safe to avoid identity fraud.  You should never e-mail your Social Security Number, and you should only share your Social Security Number over the telephone or in person if you are certain that the information is being requested for a legitimate purpose.

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If traveling outside of the US, you will need to have a Travel Signature on your DS-2019. These signatures are valid for one year from the date they are signed.

To request a travel signature, you may

  • Come to Drop-In advising hours, Monday- Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in 300W Oregon Hall
  • Drop off your DS-2019 at our office and pick it up by 4:00 p.m. that day or the next business day
  • Email ischolar@uoregon.edu to request a travel signature electronically

If traveling for more than 30 days, you must also notify ISSS to obtain “Out of Country Authorization.”

Carry these documents when re-entering the US:

  1. An unexpired passport valid at least six months into the future
  2. An unexpired J-1 visa sticker in your passport (unless you are Canadian)
  3. An unexpired DS-2019 with a travel signature no more than one year old on the date of your return


  1. Your UO invitation letter or contract 
  2. Copy of your I-901 SEVIS fee payment

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Workers Rights

If you will be working in the United States during your exchange visitor program, please take time to read the pamphlet for temporary workers. You have several rights as an employee, including the right to:

  • Be treated and paid fairly
  • Not be held in a job against your will
  • Keep your passport and other identification documents in your possession
  • Report abuse without retaliation
  • Request help from unions, immigration and labor rights groups and other groups
  • Seek justice in US courts

You can find a pamphlet that outlines your rights in detail as well as versions in several languages on the US Department of State website.

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