Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Post-Completion OPT

Post-completion OPT is optional work authorization F-1 international students have earned, and may apply for, one term before completing a degree at the UO. OPT extends your F-1 status for 12 months for purposes of practical training in the U.S. related to your major.  The OPT application process requires advance planning with the ISSS office and is approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

• Pre-Completion OPT is available to doctoral students in their dissertation period, with job offers in advance of completing their degree. Please contact an international student advisor to discuss whether this is a valid option based on your academic plan. Curricular Practical Training may be a better option for most doctoral students. 

Filing Dates

The earliest date you can file your OPT application with USCIS is 90 days before the last day of your final term. The latest filing date is 60 days after the last day of your final term. However, the processing time to receive your work authorization can take several weeks so plan ahead! Currently the USCIS processing time for OPT approvals is 10-14 weeks.

You do not need a job offer to apply for OPT. You should prepare to apply for OPT as soon as possible to give yourself the best chance of receiving your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) as early as possible.

If you have a job offer or pending job offer with a start date right after you graduate, you should plan ahead and start preparing the OPT application the term before your final term, so you can file on the earliest date available. 

Filing Fees

Online OPT filing fee is $470. Premium processing fee is $1685.

5 Steps to Apply for OPT

  1. Attend an OPT workshop (see below)
  2. Submit the "OPT I-20 Request e-form. Go to the iConnect student portal and click on the F1 Practical Training menu on the left and find the OPT I-20 request e-form. For undergraduate students, you must have applied for degree before submitting this eform.
  3. Schedule an OPT document review with an ISSS advisor
  4. File I-765 online application after document review
  5. Do not start working until you receive the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card

OPT Workshop Schedule


Wednesday, February 19 (In - Person)

Thursday, March 13

Wednesday, April 2


11 A.M.

1:30 P.M. (in-person)

11 A.M





STEM Extension OPT

If you have completed a degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) field and you are already on post-completion OPT, you may be eligible for a 24-month extension of your OPT to work in a STEM field. 

In order to apply for this benefit, you should download and read through the STEM OPT Packet below, or call 541-346-3206 to make an in-person or phone appointment with an ISSS advisor. In order to qualify for the extension, USCIS must receive your application no later than the last day of your current post-completion OPT authorization period. Please plan ahead.

The basic 24-month STEM OPT extension process

  1. A student with a STEM-qualifying bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree from an accredited, SEVIS-certified U.S. educational institution, who is in a valid period of standard post-completion OPT, has an offer of paid employment for at least 20 hours per week from an employer enrolled in E-Verify.
  2. The student consults an ISSS advisor on STEM OPT extension eligibility and procedures.
  3. The student and the employer complete a Form I-983 Training Plan, and the student submits the completed plan to the ISSS advisor.
  4. The ISSS advisor reviews the Form I-983 submitted by the student, and determines that it is "complete, signed, and addresses all program requirements."
  5. The ISSS advisor determines that the degree program that will serve as the basis of the STEM OPT extension is on the DHS STEM Designated Degree Program List.
  6. The ISSS advisor updates the student's SEVIS record with a recommendation for a 24-month STEM OPT extension, and issues a new Form I-20 that reflects the STEM OPT extension recommendation.
  7. Within 60 days of the ISSS advisor's recommendation in SEVIS, and before the expiration of the student's post-completion OPT, the student files with USCIS: Form I-765, the Form I-765 filing fee, the STEM OPT Form I-20, and documentation of the STEM degree.
  8. The 24-month STEM OPT extension period begins on the day following the expiration of the student's standard post-completion OPT. If the Form I-765 is still pending as of that date, the student is authorized to continue employment for up to 180 days after the expiration of the student's post-completion OPT.
  9. USCIS will issue an EAD reflecting the approved STEM OPT extension.
  10. Throughout the STEM OPT extension period, the student, employer(s), and school comply with all reporting, training, supervision, evaluation, wage, documentation, and other obligations specified in the regulations and on Form I-983.

Download STEM OPT Packet

STEM OPT Reporting Requirements