J-1 students must be approved and granted work authorization by International Student & Scholar Services for any student employment at the UO.
On-campus employment
- Employment pursuant to the terms of a scholarship, fellowship, or assistantship (i.e. Graduate Employee)
- Employment on the premises of the school you are authorized to attend (Eugene or Portland campuses).
Hourly/Time Limits
- You can work no more than 20 hours per week while school is in session.
- You can work more than 20 hours per week during school breaks and your annual vacation term.
- The employment can be authorized up to 12 months at a time.
- On-campus employment authorization is canceled if you graduate, complete your program, fail to maintain J-1 status, or transfer to another school.
How to Apply for Work Authorization
Download and complete the J-1 Student On-Campus Work Authorization Request and bring to the ISSS office in the Division of Global Engagement, Oregon Hall 3rd floor. An ISSS advisor will verify your eligibility to work on campus and issue you a Work Authorization letter which you must give to your UO employer.
The original copy of the J-1 Student On-Campus Work Authorization Request can be used to apply for a Social Security Number (if you don't have one).